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Sep 13, 2021



  • Medicine in East Africa, nonprofit, global emergency care
  • How she worked herself out of a job
  • What is Wholist 


  • Ski bum in college met hubby through moonshine
  • The quote she will never forget
  • The best decision her hubby ever made
  • Why it took 9 months of spreadsheeting to purchase a sprinter van

Health Coach:

  • Healing with whole foods
  • Why she traveled from Philly to NY to get a healthy coach certificate
  • What is Lifestyle medicine (sleep, nutrition, and exercise)
  • 15 minutes podcast for her clients, 
  • How her hubby lost 35 pounds
  • Less processed food
  • Local farms
  • Plant-based
  • 2-3 animal meals throughout the week
  • Your children will eat and they will eat what you give them
  • What you do not have in the house, is just as important as what you have in the house

Healthy Foods for Picky Eaters:

  • Tofu sticks with cheese
  • Veggie smoothies 
  • Egg cakes with veggies


TAKE HOME POINTS FROM Dr. Heather Hammerstedt

  1. Know your spouse so well, there there is no need to fight or get into arguments. This means you are always staying curious and trying to see things through their perspective or you have just accepted them for how they need to change your spouse in order to make you feel better. Would you like them to change you just so they feel better...even if you do not want or agree for the need to change? 
  2. What you do not have in the house, is just as important as what you have in the house.
  3. Your children will eat and they will eat what you give them
  4. The goal is to work yourself out of a job


  • How can I Step back and be mindful?
  • How can I delay quick action until I understand what is happening?
  • Do we always eat chips while we eat football?
  • Am I actually hungry or am eating because it is lunchtime?


  • Website:
  • Facebook: Curate Your Health
  • Podcast: Curate Your Health
  • Instagram: @wholisthealth 


SPONSOR: Multifamily Masterclass

Enrolling NOW!

Covers everything from syndications to how to evaluate a deal!
$800 off through 9/19
Course starts 10/4

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